Regional accountancy firm appointed Platinum Partner by top UK cloud-based accounting platform

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A leading regional firm of chartered accountants has seen its leading position in cloud-based accounting confirmed with its appointment as a Platinum Partner by one of the UK’s leading cloud accounting platforms.

Lovewell Blake, which operates from eight offices in Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire, has become a Xero Platinum Partner. The award reflects the firm’s leading role in helping clients make the digital switch, and recognises the investment the firm has made in training its staff.

The move is particularly important with the introduction of the Government’s Making Tax Digital initiative, which will mean all VAT registered businesses will have to report their data via recognised digital packages from April 2019, with other tax and compliance reporting set to follow.

“Making Tax Digital has focussed many businesses’ minds on making the switch to cloud-based accounting, but we have been helping clients realise its considerable benefits for some years,” said Lovewell Blake partner Shaun Mary.

“The investment we have made in the systems, and in training our staff to help clients make the most of them, means that we already have hundreds of clients live on Xero.

“We have developed a way of working which harnesses the power of cloud-based accounting whilst still recognising the huge importance of personal relationships, and it is this innovative and intelligent use of technology which has led to us being awarded Platinum Partner status by Xero, one of the biggest cloud accounting platforms.”

Lovewell Blake has also been certified as ‘Making Tax Digital Ready’ by Xero, one of the first firms in the region to achieve this recognition.

From April 2019 VAT registered businesses with turnover over the VAT registration threshold (currently £85,000) will be required to submit their VAT returns digitally using software, as well as keeping their records digitally (for VAT purposes) and providing their VAT return information to HMRC through Making Tax Digital functional compatible software.  

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