Xero - changes in price

Nathan Bowden
Nathan Bowden

Following Xero’s recent announcement that they would be implementing price increases, many have seen this as just another symptom of the increased cost of living we are all facing; however, this is due to a change in the packages being offered. It is worth understanding the detail on these changes so that businesses can maximise the potential of their package and make sure they are on the right tariff.

Nathan Bowden

Starter changing to Ignite

There is little change on this package, which is the full version of Xero but with a limit of 20 sales invoices and 10 purchase invoices a month. This is mainly intended for self-employed and start up businesses.

Standard changing to Grow

This is Xero’s most popular package, which is a full subscription without any limitations on invoices. As part of the new package, you will also have access to expenses and payroll for one person, and up to 5 bill payments per month.

Premium changing to Comprehensive

This is the same package as grow, but with the ability to have multi-currency bank accounts and invoices with up-to-date exchange rates pulled through hourly. You will also have access to expenses and payroll for up to 5 people and 10 bill payments per month. There is the added advantage of Xero’s advanced cash predictions known as Analytics Plus.

Ultimate retaining its name

This is the premium package but with an increase in expenses and payroll to 10 people, and up to 15 bill payments per month. You will also have access to Xero projects for 10 people.

For more details on Xero’s pricing please see their link to their website here.

You can also find more details on expenses, payroll, projects Analytics Plus and Xero bill payments in our recent article here.

If you need any help with deciding what package is best for you, or getting the most out of Xero, contact one of our cloud accounting specialists for a free no obligation meeting. 

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