When you are acquiring a business it is vital that you have an adviser who is experienced with the process from start to finish, can work with other professionals and help you get the best deal at the right price.
Working with you through the buying process
Identifying target businesses, assisting with approach and deal structure
Introducing you to or working closely with your choice of solicitor
Assisting with debt or equity finance, liaising with banks and lenders
Full or limited Due Diligence services on target business
Tax advice and strategic planning support
Ongoing support and advice throughout
Our Corporate Finance Services are supported by the full Lovewell Blake accounting and tax teams so whatever issues you encounter we have the expertise to deal with them.
Once you've made the big decision, we can provide a range of business accounting services and advice.
We also specialise in Management Buy-ins. If you are an existing Management Team seeking to purchase equity from existing shareholders we can help you with the corporate structure of the acquisition, the tax considerations and how to defer proceeds effectively to benefit both buyer and seller.
Once the deal has successfully completed we can also continue to work with you by utilising the full range of accounting and taxation services Lovewell Blake has to offer.