Estate Administration

Jane Welch

At the most difficult of times, our job is to offer sympathetic advice and practical assistance.

Jane Welch

It is inevitable at some stage you will have to deal with the death of a family member, friend or associate. As well as the emotional issues to be addressed, there are a number of practical and financial issues to be taken care of.

You may find yourself having to take responsibility for these. Lovewell Blake can assist with the practicalities, or even take on the burden of dealing with the administration of the estate. 

Dealing with the estate of a loved one can be challenging, our team of experienced specialists can help guide you through the process from start to finish.

What to do when someone dies

If you are the person charged with looking after the deceased's estate, there are a number of ways we can help you right now:

  • Notifying financial institutions on your behalf

  • Establishing assets and liabilities

  • Completing forms for inheritance tax purposes

  • Advising on probate process

  • Ensuring the estate is income tax and capital gains tax compliant

  • Preparing accounts for the estate

  • Assisting with the distribution of assets to beneficiaries

Hannah Crisp

We pride ourselves on providing individually tailored services to our clients. Whatever your aspirations and priorities in business and life, we will be by your side with expert advice from local specialists. It is because your needs are unique, that the solutions we provide are distinct and personalised to you.

Planning ahead

One of the best ways to help your family in the future is to put in place a plan for what should happen on your death. This can be difficult to think about, but making plans whilst you are able minimises the concerns and administrative burden for those left behind.

We can assist you in the estate planning process by:

  • Helping you update or review a Will

  • Being named as executors of your Will

  • Reviewing the exposure of your estate to tax and ensuring your affairs are arranged in the most tax efficient manner

  • Allowing you to fulfil your financial and taxation obligations, whilst still protecting your assets for your future and that of your family.

We will work with you to plan for the best outcome for your circumstances, to guide you through all eventualities and most importantly - to be there when you need us most.

Key partners and staff

Adele Cooper

Adele Cooper


Wide-ranging tax planning and compliance services for individuals seeking advice and guidance from our team of experienced and highly qualified professionals.

Friendly and coherent advice and guidance on accounting and tax matters for small business owners including those starting out for the first time.

Established businesses requiring accounting and tax compliance services, forward thinking tax planning advice and the support to help your business succeed.

Our full range of enhanced corporate services aimed at large companies and those requiring audit, assurance, corporate tax advisory and diverse tax planning services.



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