Our continuous training of our partners and staff ensure that we keep abreast of the rapidly changing circumstances within the charity sector enabling us to give expert advice on regulatory and governance issues.
We are here to help guide trustees and charity administrators through the maze of accounting, taxation and other areas of legislation. We can assist with:
accounts preparation in compliance with Charities SORP
independent examinations
bookkeeping, payroll and auto-enrolment
advice on internal control procedures
advice on computerised and manual accounting systems
charity registration
Gift Aid and registration as a charity with HMRC
trading and use of trading subsidiaries
VAT: Exemption, partial exemption, zero rated supplies, etc
PAYE and benefits in kind
charity shops
corporation tax returns
Our team has many years of experience and are fully versed to advise on:
trustees’ responsibilities
code for good governance
appropriate structure for your charity
trustee payments
ex gratia payments
trustee selection and training
HR consultancy and support, employment contracts, policies, etc.
risk reviews and risk registers
trustee and strategic reports
accounting standards
raising funds and income generation
reserves policy and use of charity reserves