Changes to holiday for irregular hours and part year workers

Claire Moore
Human Resources

An amendment to the Working Time Regulations means that holiday entitlement for irregular hours and part year workers will be based on accrued hours.

Recent case law had seen these workers receive 5.6 weeks holiday, despite not working a full year.

The amendment brings the return of the holiday accrual calculation many employers previously applied. For holiday years starting after 1 April 2024, entitlement for irregular hours and part-year workers will be calculated at 12.07% of hours worked in a pay period.

Employers will also have the option to provide rolled up holiday pay for these workers, with workers receiving an additional payment based on the 12.07% calculation. Both the accrual calculation and option to roll up will apply from the first year of employment and beyond. 

Please note, for workers whose holiday year started prior to 1 April 2024, these new rules will not apply until they enter into the next holiday year. The existing accrual methods will therefore need to remain in place until this point in time, and holiday can not be rolled up until then either. 

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