Introduction of carers leave

Kelly Hanley
Human Resources

From 6th April Employees will have the statutory right to request 5 working days unpaid leave in any 12-month rolling period.

This is a day one right and applies to anyone who is the carer for a person with a long-term care need, whether it be due to illness or someone who is unable to care for themselves.

What is meant by ‘long-term care need’?

A dependant has a long-term care need if they:

  • have an illness or injury (whether physical or mental) that requires, or is likely to require, care for more than three months.

  • have a condition that amounts to a disability under the Equality Act 2010; or

  • require care for a reason connected to their old age.

Carers might find it difficult to distinguish their caring role from the personal relationship they have with the individual they are caring for, be it a relationship with a spouse, civil partner, child, parent, or friend. Therefore, some employees may not immediately identify themselves as a carer.

Carers leave is available to employees who provide or arrange care for a dependant if they have a long-term care need. This excludes general childcare, except where your child meets the definition of a dependant with a long-term need.

Employers need to ensure that their policies and procedures are updated to reflect these changes.

Our consultancy team can assist in updating your existing policies or provide a new carers leave policy. 

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