Seek support to maximise gift aid opportunities
A new report has highlighted a multi-million pound funding gap caused by inconsistent take-up of Gift Aid – which is shocking when many charities are struggling to make ends meet.
Charities as vulnerable to fraud as ever
Two high-profile cases have shone the spotlight once again on charity fraud, says Stef Smith of Lovewell Blake’s Charities team
Leading UK charity fundraising expert tells regional charities they need to diversify their sources of income
Charities need to diversify their fundraising streams to cope with a rapidly changing funding environment, with many traditional sources of income drying up – that was the advice given by one of the UK’s foremost charity fundraising specialists at a special webinar for the region’s charity trustees and managers.
New voluntary organisation banking guide is a welcome step forward
With many charities reporting problems when it comes to banking, a newly-published voluntary organisation banking guide is a step in the right direction, says Stef Smith of Lovewell Blake’s Charities team.
New Academy Trust Handbook for 2024
The ESFA has now published the 2024 edition of the Academy Trust Handbook, which covers the requirements academy trusts must comply with from 1 September 2024.
CIOs – Should you make the move?
The new Charitable Incorporated Organisation has given charities another choice of structure – but is this the right route for your organisation, asks Rebecca Frost of Lovewell Blake’s Charities team
When would a charity need to consider refusing or returning a donation?
Most charities spend a lot of effort seeking donations – but sometimes they may need to consider refusing a donation, or returning one which has already been made, says Kyle Smith of Lovewell Blake’s Charities team.
Academies Accounts Direction
The ESFA have now released the Academies Accounts Direction 2023 – 2024 for academy trust accounts ending 31 August 2024, along with model accounts and the auditor framework and guide.